In the shadow of Mt. Rose, overlooking the beautiful Truckee Meadows, Washoe county’s winter sports center is located at the point where Mt. Rose highway to Lake Tahoe crosses Galena Creek. The above pictures, taken last Sunday by Roy Curtis, show the ski course and a few of the merry participants in the first ski tournament held in Nevada. The top picture shows the ski jump with Jake Pitser of Reno sailing down the slide after making a successful jump. The center picture, taken from a point near the judge’s stand, gives a view of the surrounding, snow-covered country. The lower picture is a road scene just before reaching Galena Creek. The height of the snow banks on either side indicates the depth and the work that was necessary to open the road. The inset at the right is a picture of Miss Emma Daily of Truckee, the only girl jumper in this vicinity. She made a jump of forty-three feet to score 17.64 points in last Sunday’s meet. The best jump of her class was fifty feet. The Reno Ski Club, aided by the Reno Chamber of Commerce and the Washoe county commissioners, had charge of developing the sports center.
Galena Creek Up-Ski 20 Feb 1932, Sat Reno Gazette-Journal (Reno, Nevada)